Skillfluencer 1 year ago
skillfluencer #technology

Message Queuing service

Message Queuing service is used to store, send or receive messages. These messages can be produced and consumed by same or different applications and distributed systems which is capable of integrating with the service.

A simple use-case of a message queue is an alert(Email, SMS, Push notifications, etc) delivery application. The common service used for the guaranteed delivery of these messages is the message queue. Message queue helps store the messages mid-way and in case of some issue, it can be moved to a back out queue or dead letter queue.

A dead letter queue or backout queue is a queue used for the temporary storage of messages in case of failure scenarios.

These queues can be used to review the failed messages and also allows us to re-process the messages and thus supports a guaranteed delivery.

There are various types of queue mechanisms

  1. FIFO(First In First Out) queue
  2. Priority Queue
  3. Selector based queue
  4. Pub-sub model
  5. Broadcasting

Depending on the use-case we can use different types of queues to serve our purpose.

IBM MQ is one of the common middle-ware message-oriented service providers. There are other alternatives to this like, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, and Apache ActiveMQ. AWS also has an alternative called AWS SQS which is used as a cloud-based message queuing service.

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